
30 July 2023


In Uzbekistan, static and dynamic tests of a new traffic safety system have been successfully carried out according to the methodology agreed by the Tashkent State Technical University of TSTU and according to the roadmap, experimental operation of the TEM2 6606 locomotive depot Uzbekistan JSC “Uzbekistan Temir Yullary” equipped with a locomotive traffic safety system “Bort” developed by Transtelesoft LLC during major repairs at the Tashkent Locomotive Repair Plant is being carried out UP “O’ZTEMIRYO’LMASHTAMIR”

For the first time in the locomotive safety system “Bort”, at the request of the locomotive crews of the PM “UZBEKISTAN” and the management of the TSTU, a high-resolution video output was implemented on the monitor of the driver of the OMI course cameras for viewing the dead zones of the opposite side of the driver’s workplace, which significantly increases traffic safety, labor protection and ease of control of the shunting locomotive, especially when the driver works in one person.